The project „I Am and Will Be” let meet true heros and their stories of coping with the health crisis.
The „I Am and Will Be” series is a project aimed at promoting an proactive attitude towards one’s own health and the holistic, integrative approach in prevention and treatment. The idea behind the project is to inspire each of us to seek our own path to health, to cultivate activity, mobilization and faith. Listening to true stories about recovery, often against diagnoses and forecasts, we have a chance to find out that nothing is impossible, because we have a huge potential for recovery, and our health is in our hands to a large degree.
The series consists of the hero’s personal column published on The column is complemented by a series of extraordinary photos – portraits taken by the most respected polish photographers. Each guest meets a photographer who portrays them as they please, interpreting the story of the hero they meet in their way.
The project is completed by a series of podcasts, where you can listen to an intimate conversation between the protagonist and the host, Orina Krajewska. The guests share histories of their illness, speak about what they struggled with, how they got out of the crisis, how they found their way to health, how they fought, and finally – how all those experiences changed their lives.
Become a partner of the „I Am and Will Be” project.
Companies and private investors are increasingly willing to engage in social projects related to health, supporting at the same time the genuine human determination and strength in the recovery process.