In the morning of February 24, the war in Ukraine began. The humanitarian crisis is deepening with each passing day. Civil buildings are being destroyed, hospitals do not have enough resources to provide medical assistance to all those in need. It is heartbreaking to see what is happening in Ukraine right now.
From the first days of the war, together with the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw and the artistic collective Blyzkist, we have been conducting a wide-ranging aid campaign.
Help goes both ways – we look after people who are fleeing the horrors of war and come to Poland, helping, for example, to prepare meals refugees, and at the same time we support those who stayed in Ukraine by sending supplies and everything we are able to get.
On February 26, we organised a spontaneous collection of medicines and the most necessary medical equipment for someone who was returning to Kiev and would never come back. We collected so many things that we decided to continue the action.
Two days later, we received a phone call from Juliana, a volunteer of Armed Forces and Territorial Defense of Ukraine, with whom we have had direct contact since then. Juliana was assigned to find an NGO in Poland that could help deliver the most needed materials to a military hospital in southern Ukraine. Two days later, we contacted another volunteer who works on behalf of the Kiev Veterans Hospital.

At this point, we are focusing on sending humanitarian aid to two hospitals in Ukraine – in Chernivtsi and Kiev, and to hospitals in the greatest crisis (Kharkiv, Zhytomyr), acting in cooperation with an organisation on the Ukrainian side.
We operate on the basis of a list of needs from hospitals sent directly to us and an official request dedicated to our foundation from the commander from Chernivtsi. We also established contact with the foundation “I am the future of Ukraine”, which is responsible for the distribution of medicine and medical equipment to places where they are most needed. The mission of the foundation is to support the most vulnerable children in Ukraine, i.e. orphans and children deprived of parental care, children with physical and developmental disabilities and diseases requiring help and treatment, as well as children living in poverty and difficult living conditions.
Each time after the transport is handed over, we receive a confirmation of receipt of the goods, which gives us a guarantee that drugs and medical equipment go directly to those in need.
So far, we have managed to send 6 direct shipments of drugs, first aid kits, tactical equipment and food, as well as basic surgical equipment and medical equipment needed to save lives.
At the moment, on average, we send one shipment per week.
We are constantly working on:
Getting medicines and equipment
Sorting, packing and describing what is in the parcels sent (according to the list of needs)
Organisation of safe transport across the border
The challenge is a purchase of equipment for rapid surgery, life-saving equipment, tactical first aid kits and tourniquets. These are the most scarce goods in Ukrainian hospitals, and at the same time they are not easily available in Poland (shortages in wholesalers). We fear that due to the worsening humanitarian situation, safe transportation and delivery of essential supplies to these places may soon prove impossible. We want to collect as many things as possible and send the hospitals the largest possible transports in the shortest possible time.
In terms of obtaining the most necessary drugs, all those who want to help can send parcels addressing them to:
The Foundation of Małgosia Braunek “Be”
Museum of Modern Art
Ul. Pańska 3
00-124 Warsaw
We buy the rest of the life-saving and first aid equipment using money paid in by donors:
The current list of needs:
Sedatives (OTC)
Antiallergic drugs (OTC)
Antifungal drugs and preparations (OTC)
Paracetamol and OTC painkillers
Elastic bandages
Gauze and glued compresses of various sizes, max 20 x 10 cm
2ml syringes
Packed plasters – preferably non-woven
Emergency blankets
Israeli bandages size 4 and 6
Haemostatic bandages
CAT or SOFT internships
BURNTEC hydrogel dressing
Thermal blankets
Intubation tubes (for nasopharynx)
Surgical needles and threads
First aid kits
Tactical first aid kits
Catheters for systems – catheters for suctioning the upper respiratory tract
I-gel laryngeal masks
Haemostatic sponges and dressings
Chest seals
Sam Pelvic Sling II Tactical – pelvic fracture stabilization belts
Sleeping bags
Occlusive dressings
Military food ration